Oromay (ኦሮማይ) | Free Amharic Book PDF  & Review

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Oromay (ኦሮማይ) is a novel written by a famous author Bealu Girma. The book sets its plot at the Ethio-Ertrian war in the Derg regime.

“……….This is the glance of the story of Tsegaye Haile Mariam. Who is Tsegaye Haile Mariam? Be patient….. Don’t worry, I am the one.”


The main character, Tsegaye Haile Mariam, an employee of the promotion minister, is nominated for the red star campaign.

Through the book, the author tries to show us the situation of the brave Ethiopian soldiers of that time who vow “motherland Ethiopia or Death.” The book also tries to explore the beauty of Asmara, the capital city of Eritrea. In the middle of this campaign Tsegaye fall in love with a unique Eritrean girl called Fiyameta Gilay.

“ማን ብዬ ልጥራሽ ሰሜናዊት ጽብቅቲ………..ፊያሜታ ጊላይ”


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